Dividends & Payments
Are dividend options available to the new owner?
Dividend policies depend on the particular stock held. Listed below are EQ’s guidelines for dividend payments, provided that the company pays dividends.
- When a company has a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) that allows for the reinvestment of dividends, the following applies: The new owner may choose the reinvestment option as provided on the Transfer of Ownership with W-9 Form. The new owner may also enroll in the plan by accessing their account.
- When a company does not have a DRIP, the following applies: The new account will be set up to receive dividend checks.
- Can cash dividends be set up for a direct deposit for the new account? If the company offers direct deposit of dividends, the new owner can arrange for direct deposit by downloading a direct deposit form from our website.
Please be advised some companies do not offer direct deposit of dividends.
How do I get a duplicate statement of my DRIP account?
Please login to your account. Alternatively, you may email us at HelpAST@equiniti.com . Please furnish us with the full name of the stock, account name, account number and social security number. Please indicate the year required. The dividend reinvestment statement will be forwarded to the mailing address reflected on your account.
How do I replace a stale or lost dividend check?
You may replace your stale or lost dividend check by clicking here to access your account and submit the check replacement request. Upon receipt, we will research the status of the check(s), if the check(s) is outstanding, we will replace it and forward it to the mailing address reflected on your account. Please allow 5 - 7 business days for receipt. If we cannot honor your request to replace the check(s), we will contact you via email to advise you of the particulars.
May I have dividend checks electronically deposited?
Login to your account, then choose "Enroll in Direct Deposit." Fill out the form and submit via mail.
Note: Once your account has been set up for direct deposit, future dividends and sales of proceeds will be deposited in your bank account. However, we will not deposit any past dividends paid to you by check that you may be holding.
May I have dividend checks mailed directly to my bank?
Please log in to your Shareholder Central account and submit a Dividend Address Change Request.
What is a form W-9 and why is it required?
A Form W-9 certifies the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN, also known as a Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number) listed on an account. A Form W-9 is required each time a new registration or new account is established. The IRS requires that EQ withhold a portion of the earnings on accounts that have not been certified by submitting a completed Form W-9.
What if I am not a U.S. citizen or do not have a social security number?
If you are not a U.S. citizen or do not have a Social Security Number, please use the appropriate Form W-8.
In this case, leave the Substitute Form W-9 section on the Transfer of Ownership form blank. If an account is not certified, the new owner, who is a non-U.S. taxpayer, will be subject to U.S. withholding from all earnings or sale proceeds as regulated by the IRS.
How can I sell my shares?
If your shares are represented by physical stock certificates, contact a broker of your choice. For shares held electronically, please log in to your Shareholder Central account and submit a sale request.