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EQ’s corporate governance strategy is shaped by the corporate governance code. At the heart of our corporate policies are the five main principles


Risk Management





Risk Management





At EQ, we are accountable for our actions and the impact these may have on others. As part of on-going training and internal communications, colleagues fully understand the role they play in keeping our corporate commitments.

Environment and ED&I expectations are governed via EQ’s own supply chain using policies, codes of conduct and due diligence processes. EQ’s ESG strategy and actions are independently audited. 3500+ colleagues have signed EQ’s ‘Eco Pledge’, to commit to delivering our daily work in a way that is environmentally responsible.

Risk Management

EQ’s risk management framework is robust and includes three lines of defence, within our organisation, powered by specialist teams.


EQ is a privately owned business and is an open and transparent business. We publish our statutory and regulatory reports here. Learn more about our leadership team here.

  • We are transparent in our vision – to be the leading global share registrar; offering complementary services to our client base.
  • We are transparent in our strategy – to be experts at providing tech-enabled shareholder, pension and remediation services to help our customers around the world succeed.
  • We are transparent in our values – Trusted, Commercial, Collaborative, and Improve.


EQ treats all colleagues, stakeholders, clients and end customers in a fair and considered way.

  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion: We ensure the fair treatment of all colleagues and we work within a diverse and inclusive workplace. EQ’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion strategy guides staff in adhering to applicable and regulatory requirements, in all the jurisdictions in which we operate. Our policy is here.
  • Human rights: At EQ, we are guided by the international human rights principles encompassed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Modern Slavery: Equiniti operates a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business activities and relationships.
  • Ethical business: We aim to conduct all our business in an ethical manner and in order to fulfil this, we abide by a key set of principles in all of our activities.
  • Remuneration and bonuses: Colleagues are rewarded fairly. EQ discloses its gender pay gap data and is taking positive steps to close the gap. We believe voluntary disclosure of this information is helpful and we’d encourage other organisations to do the same.


Helping to shape good governance.

  • EQ is regulated across multiple sectors of our UK and US businesses. We are regulated, where required, by - amongst others - the FCA in the UK, and the SEC in the US. We are committed to delivering to regulated standards and aiding our clients to do so.
  • As we are a global business, we are also externally aligned to international standards.
  • As leaders in our fields of expertise, EQ is seen as a significant industry voice as evidenced by our recent appointment to join the Cross-party Advisory Board to help drive the UK ESG agenda.
  • We see the benefit of working with our peers to advance industry standards and practices. For example:
  • EQ Customer Resolutions is a member of the collaboration network - a professional membership organisation that supports cross-sector collaboration to improve services for consumers - particularly relevant with the introduction of Consumer Duty.
  • Similarly, EQ is a member of the Death Notification Service created to reduce the number of times a bereaved individual has to register a death to organisations.

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