ESG at EQ - Environment

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Our environmental approach focuses on three themes

Measuring and reporting our impact

Staff members have signed our ‘Eco pledge’

Reducing and minimising our carbon emissions

Managing climate-related risk

Absolute carbon reduction to our business by 2029. We’ve made a public commitment (*across scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions)

Our public commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2040 and an absolute carbon reduction of 46.2% by 2029 (across scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions)

Our environmental commitment is aligned to the requirements of the Paris Agreement and is a supportable target to contribute towards keeping global temperatures below 1.5c˚ (compared to pre-industrial levels). We are working towards SBTi approval in 2024 and completing our first climate-related financial disclosure.

Environmental progress at EQ so far

EQ has been actively working to reduce carbon since 2018. In that time, we’ve switched most UK sites to renewable energy supplies, made improvements to lighting and data centre cooling and continue to consolidate our property footprint.

Find our ESG policy statement here.

More work to do…

Whilst we’ve already taken several positive measures to reduce emissions, further work and planning remains for us to achieve these targets. Focussing on these key areas:

EQG icons_more work to do

The Difference We Make, And Measure

Measuring and disclosing our environmental impact

​At EQ we’re continuously improving the way we measure and disclose our scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions in line with Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards. We publicly report our emissions through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

In 2023 we once again improved our Eco Vadis (Business Sustainability Ratings platform) sustainability score, keeping our bronze medal status.

Reducing our environmental impact

As part of our carbon reduction plan, we’ve switched most UK sites to renewable energy (since 2018). In terms of our office locations, changes include reduced energy use in our data centres and a change to LED lights in our offices. 

We’re committed to reducing landfill. As an office-based business our waste is minimal. In the UK, where waste cannot be recycled, it’s sent to a waste-to-energy facility. We’ve reduced single-use plastic in our offices. For example, as one alternative, providing reusable cups to staff.

Managing climate-related risk

At EQ we have tight processes and controls to manage climate-related risk. We manage climate change risk using EQ’s risk management framework. Clear control objectives are set in our internal Environment Policy, ensuring all business areas take account of environmental considerations and the many impacts of climate change.

Colleagues are highly engaged in EQ environmental endeavours and there is a global push to improve processes and services that can, collectively, make a positive impact.  We have ‘Eco champions’ who are representatives of an EQ global network that help raise the profile and seek commitment from EQ’s c.6000 colleague base.

Working with responsible corporates

EQ supports responsible business. Through our everyday work at EQ, we’re supporting clients in reducing their carbon impact through digitisation, so we’re constantly identifying and implementing ways to reduce our collective carbon footprint whilst improving efficiencies.

We encourage our suppliers’ carbon reduction plans to align to our own as a minimum through a Supplier Code of Conduct and Sustainable Procurement Policy Statement.

From the EQ grassroots up

Partnering with our global EQ Eco Champion network, we’re delivered meaningful colleague-driven change. Recent highlights include:

  • 3,500+ colleagues’ signing EQ’s Eco Pledge sustainability commitment.
  • An electric vehicle scheme for UK colleagues, for a greener commute.
  • Becoming an official sponsorship of the British Beekeeping Association.
  • The sowing of EQ’s first wildflower garden at flagship Worthing, UK office. To support the bees, and for the enjoyment of colleagues.

The EQ Net Zero Initiatives Report

Are you a listed UK business?

As a leading registrar, and advisor to many listed companies, EQ provides support in key corporate governance decision-making that involves ESG matters.

EQ’s Net Zero Initiatives report gives you unique data, via a bespoke report, about your corporate shareholders’ position on climate change initiatives — essential insights for sustainability-focused organisations.

EQ Net Zero Initiatives

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