EQ Insight

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A secure platform where you’ll have immediate access to register information - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Enabling you to instantly view key information about your shareholders.

It’s secure, intuitive, and easy to navigate, and it’s only the start, we’ll be releasing new features over the next few months and the platform will continue to evolve and grow its functionality. Keep an eye on the ‘Coming Soon’ section below to find out new functionality being released.

Current Functionality

Share Registration Account Enquiry

View key information about your company’s shareholders; such as addresses and address history, dividend election choices, and payment methods. Balances are displayed alongside a history of transactions undertaken by the shareholder.


You can now self-serve on a variety of Share Registration Reports from the Reports menu. A wide selection of analysis reports are available that will help you understand more about your shareholder base and these are available to printed, exported and saved in various formats such as Excel, CSV and PDF.

Proxy Voting Reporting

At a quick glance, you can see if votes have been received from an individual registered shareholder for your AGM and extraordinary general meetings; both current, historic, and how they have voted. You can drill down further to view more detailed information on how they voted.

Find Information Easily

Based on feedback from our client panel and internal users, the site has been built to be intuitive. Displays are clear and uncluttered so you can easily find what you’re looking for.


Viewing of payments that have been made to your company's shareholders, including details of where payments were paid to and the payment status. You can now view details of payments such as Postal Sharedealing Sales, Re-Issued Payments and many more.

Recent Searches

On Account Enquiry you can now display a list of the last 20 accounts that you recently searched for, and be able to click on the link by that name to be taken directly to that account

SAYE Account Enquiry

You can now view full details of SAYE schemes held by participants including a consolidated summary view of all SAYE schemes held. Together with details of options granted and exercised plus contributions received and missed with option holders details such as address and bank details.

SIP Summary Report

A self-serve SIP Summary report is available within the Report's menu. This report gives you a high level summary of totals for your SIP plan(s) across the different share types broken down into Available, Conditional and Locked-In Shares. You can also select to run the report for all or individual payrolls.

Coming Soon

SIP Account Enquiry

You will be able to view details of SIP shares held by participants. This will include transactions across all share types such as awards, contributions and disposals. Dividend payments will also be displayed that will detail any cash that has been paid to the participant or any dividend awards.

How EQ can help

Please contact your relationship team if you would like further information about EQ Insight.
