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The Deciding Factor

Engaging Shareholders On Net Zero Initiatives

EQ were asked by an international FTSE 250 client to support with their focus on climate change.

By using our detailed ‘Net Zero Initiatives’ analytical report, the client gained fact-based insights into their investors’ involvement and interest in climate-change initiatives. The company could see where their major shareholders stood on these issues.

The company was then able to turn insight into action; tailoring its strategy and communications to address the initiatives most relevant to its investor base.

Towards Net Zero, a shared business goal

Net Zero 2050 explained

The Net Zero 2050 initiative impacts all businesses in the UK. It’s a specific target that relates to climate change. The aim is to reduce carbon emissions through carbon reduction and offsetting, to the value of Carbon Net Zero, by 2050.

‘Net Zero’, as well as other climate initiatives, fit within wider ESG (Environmental, Societal, and Governance) business policies.

For sound environmental and socially responsible reasons, reporting in this area is gaining momentum, structure, and visibility.

Green reporting

It’s becoming increasingly important for listed companies to report on climate change, the risks and the opportunities, the setting, measuring and achievement of Net Zero goals. And increasingly important for the readers of those reports to understand, engage and hold companies to account on the actions they are taking to achieve Net Zero.

This case study demonstrates the wider need, shared by all organisations, for sources of credible and fact-based information to inform discussions.

Good grounding for change

EQ’s Net Zero Initiatives report helps in specifying, and quantifying, the Net Zero investor-led initiatives that are of most interest to corporate shareholders.

Through quantifying the increasing interest in such green initiatives, alignment between shareholders and companies can be achieved. This feedback loop can only be positive for us all.

Challenges: Working out what was needed

Where to begin with analysing Investor Net Zero Interest?

With EQ, the client defined what they wanted from the report. The company was seeking an understanding of which investors and Net Zero initiatives were relevant to their own Net Zero strategy. By understanding ‘who’ their audience were, they could then understand ‘what’ they should be communicating about.

How to define the parameters of the Net Zero shareholder analytics report?

The business needed clarity in terms of the climate initiatives closest to the hearts of their investors.

Our team of experts worked with the client to determine the focus points of the report, to gain the most beneficial information for the company.

How to track developments in investors’ climate change actions over time?

The company was aware of the quickly changing landscape of climate initiatives and the ever- present potential for changes in its investor base.

Through discussions it was agreed that the initial report would be seen as a first snapshot. And perhaps more importantly it would provide a baseline for subsequent data. Further reports could then build on the baseline whilst highlighting change; allowing the client to keep up with developments.

Solution: Climate Action 100+ Resonates

The first report delivered the initial analysis. It was specific to the clients’ investor base and provided analysis of key Net Zero initiatives that were supported by each investor.

The report summarised findings and delivered a quantifiable view of ‘overall influence’ of each of these Net Zero Initiatives.

For this client, the Climate Action 100+ initiative was supported by investors holding circa 20% of the issued share capital.

This knowledge has ensured that the key elements of Climate Action 100+ are incorporated into the company’s strategy. It has also given the client justification for communicating to investors about the company’s own progress aligned to meeting the objectives of this initiative. The client proactively reaches out to investors who may wish to further discuss climate-related initiatives.

Result: Towards more robust Net Zero decision making

The EQ Net Zero Initiatives report has already provided vital insight into the climate initiatives which are important to this client’s overall investor base.

By receiving the report throughout the year, the organisation can have access to the most up-to-date information. With this, they can have timely data insights to support key decisions regarding their business directives.

Using EQ’s Net Zero analysis has given us the clarity we need on the Net Zero initiatives that are important to our investor base. We were able to use this knowledge to help refine our Net Zero strategy and communications, which we could not have done without the detailed data EQ held on these initiatives and their knowledge of our investor base”

Company Secretary, of a key FTSE 250 company

Introducing The EQ Net Zero Initiatives Report

Now is the time to gain insight into your own shareholder base and understand the Net Zero Initiatives that are resonating with your corporate investors.

We can provide you with a bespoke, downloadable report on your company, giving you vital statistical analysis of your investors’ commitment to net zero initiatives.

Find out more
