Shareholder Activist Defense Services | EQ

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With D.F. King as your trusted advisor, you’ll be prepared to contend with increased scrutiny on performance, increased shareholder activism, the latest voting recommendations of proxy advisory firms, and different strategies and perspectives of diverse groups of investors. We know your management teams need the keen, data-driven analytical skills and flawlessly executed strategic communications only an experienced partner like D.F. King can provide you to best put forth your company’s message and platform.

We offer best-in-class Activist Defense and Analytics Services, including corporate governance consulting, extraordinary proxy solicitation and shareholder activism, traditional stock surveillance and institutional targeting. As your trusted conduit between your corporation and its institutional investors, we are dedicated to increasing participation and maximizing a positive vote outcome.

We leverage our extensive knowledge of the proxy voting guidelines of major investors and the proxy advisory firm governance policies to enable us to proactively anticipate any issues that may affect you. In the event that you face institutional resistance or a proxy advisory firm issues an adverse recommendation, we immediately work to determine a strategic approach to campaign for support of your position.

Our Services

Shareholder Proposal Analysis2

In today’s ever-changing market, management needs to respond to a wide range of multifaceted issues that are driving shareholder activism. Shareholders are flexing their authority with growing numbers of corporate governance, executive compensation, and anti-takeover proposals, among other areas. Though typically non-binding, any successful shareholder resolution or initiative that generates a strong favorable response creates pressure for the board and is cause for concern. A company can suddenly face heightened scrutiny, as well as pressure to adopt the suggested change, which contribute to future director opposition.

With D.F. King activist defense and analytics services, feel empowered to address shareholder proposals: 

  • We provide detailed information about the proposal sponsor, including their history of shareholder activism and the average proposal support level
  • We offer a customized voting projection model analyzing the likely support the initiative would receive, should it remain on the ballot
  • We discuss engagement tactics that may cause the sponsor to amend or withdraw its proposal
  • When required, we develop a strategy to minimize support for the proposal among the company’s various shareholder constituencies

Shareholder Profile Research & Analysis

Critical to the strategic counsel we provide you is our extensive research and analytics services. We help clients identify and understand their stakeholders to build relationships and generate support for future initiatives. Our scope of information allows us to provide rapid and relevant guidance to clients in several key areas:  

  • Shareholder Profile Analysis: Strategic analysis of your shareholder profile, in addition to a well-run and carefully planned solicitation plan, is crucial to ensure positive results.
  • Measurement of the influence of proxy advisory services
  • Institutional Targeting: We offer fact-based perspectives on institutional opportunities and risks
  • Capital Markets Consulting: We provide in-depth knowledge of trading and market dynamics

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