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Contact Us

We've got a range of online services and people ready to help with your inquiries.

To find out more, please select from one of the following options:

toggle Shareowners

We are proud to help look after the shares you own in one or more of the greatest companies in the world. Please contact the Call Center at 800-468-9716 or visit for more details.

toggle EQ Elect users only

For additional information please contact our EQ PMA Team at

Please provide full name, company of stock and email address.

toggle Clients

Log into EQ Insight, our corporate portal for issuers to view information and perform transactions.

toggle New Business

Find out more about Equiniti's full range of services to meet your organization's needs by completing our online contact form so that a member of our team can reach out to you soon.

toggle Brokers

Broker Information for Shareholder Transactions
Cost basis will be available for shareholder transactions 15 days after the transaction has posted to our system.

EQ's Customer Care Center: 1-800-401-1957

EQ's Location: 1110 Centre Pointe Curve, Mendota Heights, MN 55120

EQ's LPA number: To move shares via DRS profile: 7806

toggle Press and Media

Our team are here to help with press and media enquiries.

Please contact:

Sara Walsh
Brian Hart
866.225.0920 ext. 101

Please note the press team will not be able to help with shareholder enquiries.

New York State Residents - If you are located in the State of New York and have a complaint, please first contact Equiniti. If you still have an unresolved complaint, you may also direct your complaint to the attention of: New York State Department of Financial Services, One State Street, New York, NY 10004-1511. Please visit and use the New York State Department of Financial Services Consumer Complaint Portal to file a complaint with DFS.
