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Offer A DSPP That Pays For Itself 2021_900x330

Offer a DSPP That Pays for Itself

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

For nearly 25 years, direct stock purchase plans (DSPPs) have been available as a way for investors to buy a company stock directly without the assistance of a broker.

Self-directed investors make very loyal shareowners and often contribute positively to proxy voting results.

Self-directed investors make very loyal shareowners and often contribute positively to proxy voting results.

Many companies don’t think they can increase their shareowner base in a cost-effective manner while effectively growing equity.


The InvestDIRECT plan fees are fully paid by the participants. The company saves the cost of quarterly mailings and will only pay for the year end account statements. Shareowners can enroll for as little as $250, benefiting from 24/7 online availability to access their account, statements and tax forms.

Shares can be purchased weekly on the open market using dollar-cost averaging and dividends are fully reinvested, eliminating the possibility of lost checks and continuing to grow the shareowner’s investment over time.

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